
Why Is Community Important?

Hundreds of years ago, our survival depended on belonging to and having a community. It hasn’t been until our more recent history that there has been a growing theme of independence and competition that has created separation and isolation.

When we come together in community, we can find a sense of belonging, connection, and support with each other outside of our family unit. When we learn healthy ways of connecting, communicating, and creating connection with others, we change everything.

As one, we can only accomplish small things, but together we are unstoppable.

Living Evolution and collaborating organizations aim to create opportunities for people to come together to support local causes, learn about community resources, and work together on projects to improve this place we call home.

  • What do you notice about how people live and their health?
  • What do you notice that is missing when you compare American culture to other cultures?
  • Have you ever asked yourself, what is American culture? Watch the TV and find out!

The average American spends more then 5 HOURS A DAY watching TV, according to a recent study by Nielsen. A more meaningful sense of culture seems to be something that has been lost in our technological age and the importance of human connection has been left to our own devices (pun intended). People’s physical bodies are aching because of a lack of movement or unhealthy repetitive movements, while more and more evidence supports the link between good physical health and good mental health.

Living Evolution seeks to bridge the gap between  healthy living, being in nature, and strengthening the community we live in. One of our major goals is to give back and be of service to the community; as well as help support other local efforts to re-establish community and connection. Be a part of positive change!